October 01, 2008

Cutest Tree Hugger Ever


Jessie said...

So cute cole...I love shae, she's adorable and has that cute spit fire attitude like her mom...! ha ha

Bear River Photographic Society said...

Nicole, you updated your blog or was that your friend that did this, anyway you little girl is so cute and the pictures are cute to. keep up the blogging.

The Perry Family said...

I love the tatoos on her arms! She is so flippin cute! You need to learn how to blog!!! You'll love it, trust me.

Sheena Larkin said...

She's so BIG!! Every time you post a picture it makes me miss her even more. You know, you can bring her with you when you come out so she and I can play.

The Foster's said...

cutest blog cole! these pictures are soo cute. she is getting so tall (lucky her).

Kandice said...
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Kandice said...

Hey Nicole, you need to post more cuz I'm a blog stalker and want to see what your cute little girl is up to!